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Offences For Which You May Be Told To Leave Our Site


We are a family site with lots of children around. Bearing this in mind should any of the following misdemeanours occur you will be asked to leave with immediate effect and you will forfeit your site –this also applies to anyone staying in your caravan – family etc –  whether you are there or not.

1. DRUGS – Anyone who appears to be under the influence of, or appears to have any drugs on site will be dealt with by the police.
 There is no negotiation on this point – we will not tolerate drugs of any kind on site and you will be asked to leave with immediate effect and will forfeit your site.

2. VIOLENCE/ABUSE/BULLYING – We will not tolerate any violence  whatsoever on site – whether it is towards other guests, staff or visitors. The police will be called immediately should any violence/abuse/bullying – both physical or verbal, be carried out against anyone on our site.
This rule applies to everyone – adults and children.


 3. Non Payment of Site Rent – If you have not paid your site rent in full by  1st April each year, and you have not spoken to the office – you are not entitled to use your caravan. This may lead to disconnection of your facilities and you may be asked to leave the site.


 4. Parking – you may only park one car by your caravan. Please do not bring large work vehicles on site – we are a holiday park not a works site. We are not responsible for vehicles parked on site. You must also leave a space by your caravan  big enough for an emergency vehicle to get through – it may be your life they are trying to save.


E&J Piper Caravan Park is a relaxed family park. We want everyone who has a caravan with us to enjoy their time on site. We hope that you will all respect each other and have a wonderful relaxing time with us, but we will do whatever is necessary to ensure that everyone is safe, and you may be asked to leave the site at the discretion of the management if these rules are not adhered to.





Speed Limit: Please note the speed limit on site is 5 mph.  Kill your speed – not a child!


Parking/Windbreaks: Please ensure you park and erect any windbreaks to the left of your caravan allowing plenty of room for emergency vehicles to pass by– they could save your life!

Only one car per caravan – no large work vehicles.


 Heaters: NO plug in convector or fan heaters or gas cylinders are allowed inside your Caravan.  Any vans found with these inside will be disconnected and removed from the site.


Tents/Gazebos: Please note tents are NOT allowed on site. Gazebos can only be erected with prior permission from  the Office and must be dismantled at night. No Paving slabs unless authorised by the Office.


 Washing Lines: Bases must be pushed into the ground to allow the mower to pass over them. All washing lines are to be taken down when not in use.


 All change of ownership/sales of caravans must take place through the Office. If you sell your caravan privately there is a £1000.00 change over fee.


Caravan Number: Must be clearly visible at all times


  BBQs: If you wish to have a BBQ, please ensure it is well away from your gas cylinders and any other flammable materials, and that the heat source is not directly on the grass. If the grass is damaged you will be charged for repairs.




 Mowing: Please ensure area is clear for the mower when you hear it coming! Sockets for clothes lines must be below ground level. Please keep area around your caravan clean and rubbish free at all times. Please keep areas the mower cannot reach trimmed and tidy – place all cuttings in a bag and in the recycling bin.


Rubbish: Please ensure that all rubbish is placed INSIDE the bins not beside them. PLEASE FOLLOW THE RECYCLING SYSTEM LISTED ON THE BINS


Footballs/Sports Balls: Only sponge balls may be used on site. These are available from the Office. Any hard balls found will be confiscated.


E&J Piper are not responsible for any damage or loss incurred to your caravan, vehicle or belongings whilst on site.




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