01303 872103
Can I pay my site rent in instalments?
Please come and see Tracy in the Office if you wish to do this and she will give you the relevant details.
Where are the re-cycling bins?
Green general rubbish bins are situated all around the site. The main re-cycling points are by the laundry and the Compound.
How can I get mail at the site?
Just get it sent to the site address clearly stating your name and caravan number and we will put it in the pigeon holes in the Office for you to collect at your leisure.
How do I change my gas bottle?
You don’t need to – we will do it for you when we deliver the gas once it has been paid for.
How long will it take me to get to the village if I walk?
Approx 10 – 15 mins steady amble.
Where is the nearest bigger food shop?
Tesco Express opposite the Ocean Inn pub. Asda, Tesco & Sainsbury’s all deliver to the site for on-line shopping. Please make sure you give them your caravan number when you order.
How long do the Laundry washing machines & driers take?
Approx 45 mins per cycle for each.
Where can I get a newspaper?
In the Mini-Mart on Dymchurch Caravan park situated adjacent to our park.
What rubbish goes in which bin?
Each bin has marked on it what can be put inside. Please ensure you bag your rubbish before putting it into the relevant bin.
Can I play football on site?
Only with a sponge ball – no hard balls for any games are allowed on site. The Recreation Ground is situated very close to the site and this has the space for proper ball games if you wish.
How can I find out when the tide is in?
Tide Tables are displayed on the noticeboard by the front door of the Office.
How do I pay my electric bill?
You will be charged 7.08p per unit of electricity you use + 5% vat. We will take a meter reading at the end of the season in October when the site closes. You will then receive a bill which must be paid in full by 1st December annually.
How do I know how much my electricity is going to cost?
You can monitor how much you are spending by multiplying the last 3 digits on your metre by 7.08p to give you your total cost – then add 5% vat.
Can I bring my dog onto the site?
How can I get a taxi?
Local taxi service cards are available from the Office.
For any questions we have not answered in our FAQs please contact the office on 01303 872103 or fill in the form below.